Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Shocking by Schiaparelli c1936

Shocking by Schiaparelli: created by Jean Carles and launched in 1936 in France and 1937 in the USA.  The perfume was said to be "first developed by Mme. Schiaparelli for her own use" according to a 1938 newspaper ad.

It was named after a particular shade of hot pink that she named, "Shocking Pink", which was also used by designer Paul Poiret, her mentor.

Shocking Radiance by Schiaparelli c1943

Shocking Radiance, was the name of four special oils that came out in 1943, each was scented with the perfume Shocking. These oils had a base of lanolin.

Dance Arrogance by Schiaparelli c1992

Dance Arrogance by Schiaparelli: launched in 1992 in association with /Pikenz.

Dance Arrogance Elsa Schiaparelli for women

Arrogantissima by Schiaparelli/Pikenz c1988

Arrogantissima by Schiaparelli: launched in 1988 in association with Pikenz the First/S.B.P. S.p.A.. 
Arrogantissima Elsa Schiaparelli for women\